dbms programs


Mon May 06 2024 07:06:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @signup

Conditional statements:
1.Write PL/SQL Program to find the sum of two numbers.
2.Write PL/SQL Program to display even numbers in a given range.
3.Write PL/SQL Program to find the given number is prime or not.
4.Write PL/SQL Program to find the given number is perfect or not.
5.Write PL/SQL Program to find the given number is armstrong or not.
1.Write a Function to find Factorial of a given number.
2.Write a Function to find GCD of a two numbers.
3.Write a Function to find x^n.
1.Write a Procedure to find Fibonacci series upto given range.
2.Write a Procedure to swap two numbers.
3.Write a Procedure to Reverse a number.
4.Write a Procedure to find the given number is Palindrome or not.
1.Write a Program to check whether there is atleast one row satisfying given select statement or not using implict cursor.          
2.Write a Program to change the ename colummn values to uppercase using implict cursor.
3.Write a Program to update the salary of those employee to 20% whose salary is greater than the given salary,using implict cursor.
4.Write a Program to display details of employee using explicit cursor.
5.Write a Program using explicit cursor to display first 5 records only.
6.Write a Program using explicit cursor to insert values into a table empc from employee table,whose experience >=23.
7.Write a Program to display all employee's details working in the accepted department number using cursor for loop.
1.Write a Progrsm for creating an exception & raising it when the basic is <3000,while inserting rows into a table & also handle it to perform any other action.
2.Write a Program for creating an exception & raising it when ever you try to insert any negative number into a table.
3.Write a Program to handle value error exception.
4.Write a Program to raise inavlidCursor exception.
1.Write a trigger to display a message when Record is inserted in employee table(using before).
2.Write a trigger to display a message when Record is inserted in employee table(using After).
3.Write a trigger to display a message when Record is inserted or updated in employee table.
