html - HTML5 type=range - showing label


Sat Dec 18 2021 18:26:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @sofiabedoy_96 #html

<div class="rangeWrapper">
    <input id="slide" type="range" min="1" max="4" step="1" value="1"  /> 
    <p class="rangeLabel selected">Label A</p>
    <p class="rangeLabel">Label B</p>
    <p class="rangeLabel">Label C</p>
    <p class="rangeLabel">Label D</p>

I put together a demo that uses a range input with corresponding <p> tags that act as both labels for the current state of the slider, as well as triggers to change the slider's value.I put together a demo that uses a range input with corresponding <p> tags that act as both labels for the current state of the slider, as well as triggers to change the slider's value.