Incomplete Steps Modal old code for filtering steps


Thu Dec 28 2023 05:00:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @alfred555 #react.js

  // useEffect(() => {
  //   setIsLoading(true);
  //   setTimeout(() => {
  //     if (fromWillPreview && isSpouseSelected) {
  //       // From WillPreview of Spouse
  //       setList(
  //         steps.filter((s: any) => s.bookedForProfileGuid === profileGuid),
  //       ); // List should contain incomplete steps of Main Testator
  //       // setIsLoading(false);
  //     }

  //     if (fromUploadDocs) {
  //       const guid = isSpouseSelected ? spouseGuid : profileGuid;
  //       setList(steps.filter((s: any) => s.bookedForProfileGuid === guid));
  //       // setIsLoading(false);
  //     }

  //     if (fromWillPreview && !isSpouseSelected) {
  //       // From WillPreview of Main Testator
  //       setList(
  //         steps.filter((s: any) => s.bookedForProfileGuid === spouseGuid),
  //       ); // List should contain incomplete steps of spouse
  //       // setIsLoading(false);
  //     }
  //     setIsLoading(false);
  //   }, 2000);
  // }, [steps, isSpouseSelected, fromWillPreview, fromUploadDocs]);

  // useEffect(() => {
  //   setIsLoading(true);
  //   setTimeout(() => {
  //     if (fromWillPreview && isSpouseSelected) {
  //       // From WillPreview of Spouse
  //       setList(
  //         steps.filter((s: any) => s.bookedForProfileGuid === profileGuid),
  //       ); // List should contain incomplete steps of Main Testator
  //     }
  //     setIsLoading(false);
  //   }, 2000);
  // }, [steps, fromWillPreview, isSpouseSelected]);

  // // Incomplete steps listing from submit button in Modify Appointment
  // useEffect(() => {
  //   setTimeout(() => {
  //     setList(
  //       steps.filter((s: any) => (s.bookedForProfileGuid === isSpouseSelected ? spouseGuid : profileGuid)),
  //     );
  //   }, 1000);
  // }, [steps, isSpouseSelected]);

  // ---------------------------->>>

  // useEffect(() => {
  //   if (fromWillPreview && !isSpouseSelected) { // From WillPreview of Main Testator
  //     setTimeout(() => {
  //       setList(steps?.filter((s: any) => s.bookedForProfileGuid === spouseGuid)); // List should contain incomplete steps of spouse
  //     }, 1000);
  //   }
  // }, [steps, fromWillPreview, isSpouseSelected]);

  // useEffect(() => {
  //   if (fromUploadDocs) {
  //     const guid = isSpouseSelected ? spouseGuid : profileGuid;
  //     setList(
  //       steps.filter((s: any) => (s.bookedForProfileGuid === guid)),
  //     );
  //   }
  // }, [steps, fromUploadDocs, isSpouseSelected]);