function onEdit(e) {
  const watchName = "Temp Cost Information"; // Please set the sheet name for the sheet where data will change.
  const updateName = "Temp WFP"; // Please set the sheet name for the sheet where the filter needs to update.

  //Constrain onEdit to only watch the sheet we manually update.
  const watchRange = e.range;
  const watchSheet = watchRange.getSheet();
  if (watchSheet.getSheetName() != watchName) return;

  //Reapply current filter on sheet we want auto-updated.
  const updateSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(updateName);
  const filter = updateSheet.getFilter();
  const fRange = filter.getRange();
  const criterion = filter.getColumnFilterCriteria(4).copy();
  fRange.createFilter().setColumnFilterCriteria(4, criterion);
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