// Create a good alert for ViewID:
function goodAlertViewID() {
  var callUI = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var goodalert = callUI.alert("👍 ViewID's HARVESTING FINISHED!", "Good Harvesting! Just press OK or check 'Config' sheet if u need.", callUI.ButtonSet.OK);

// Create a good alert for Report:
function goodAlertReport() {
  var callUI = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var goodalert = callUI.alert("👍 GA API DATA HARVESTING FINISHED!", "Good Harvesting! Just press OK or check 'GA_API_DATA' sheet if u need.", callUI.ButtonSet.OK);

// Create awaiting data harvestion alert for Report:
function waitAlert() {
  var callUI = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var goodalert = callUI.alert("⏰ GA API DATA HARVESTING STARTED...", "Press OK and wait!", callUI.ButtonSet.OK);
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