import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import { actionName } from "actionName-file-path"

export const sliceName = createSlice({
   name: "any-name",
   initialState: {
    // all initial states
  reducers: {
    // all reducers defined here
    reducerName(state, action){
      // reducer logic
  extraReducers: {
    // all async extra reducers defined here
    [actionName.pending]: (state, action) => {
      // action object come from actionName 
      // const { response, data, params} = action.payload

    [actionName.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {},

    [actionName.rejected]: (state, action) => {},

export const { reducerName } = sliceName.actions; // import them in any components needed

export default sliceName.reducer; // import it in rootRedcer (allReducers)
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