import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button } from "./Button";

// data is an array of objects const data = [{id:1, url: "https://..."}, ...]
import { data } from "../data/carouselData";

export const Carrousel = () => {
  const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);

  // when buttons are clicked, the state (index) would increased or decreased
  // to avoid the code crash when index reachs its min and max values, conditios are set on click 	events 
  function handlePreviousBtn() {
    index > 0 ? setIndex(index - 1) : setIndex(data.length - 1);

  function handleNextBtn() {
    index < data.length - 1 ? setIndex(index + 1) : setIndex(0);

  return (
    // carousel has width 100% and specif height
    <div className="carousel">
      {/* Button is a custom component */}
        style="carousel--btn left-4"
        onClick={() => handlePreviousBtn()}
        style="carousel--btn right-4"
        onClick={() => handleNextBtn()}
		{/* carousel--item and carousel--item-img has widht and heigth 100% */}
      <div className="carousel--item">
        {/* also carousel--item-img has object-contain style prop */}
          alt="Random Image"
downloadDownload PNG downloadDownload JPEG downloadDownload SVG

Tip: You can change the style, width & colours of the snippet with the inspect tool before clicking Download!

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