git config --global olddevpatgit 
config --global

git add. // adds all the file in the directory
git commit -m "my first commit"

git log // shows git information
git restore . // to restore or undo the changes on the directory

git rm -r --cached . // clears the cache
git rm index.html // deletes the file and stage it ready to commit

git mv index.html home.html // renames index.html to home.html

git diff // shows the difference can add some hash like git diff 933c391 to compare it from the current version 

git log --oneline // makes the log shorter

git commit --amend // edit the last commit or add SIMILAR activities to it so we dont have to create a new commit with a different message

git reset --hard 933c391 // resets and deletes files back to the hash

git reet hash... // resets but not deletes the files

 git rebase -i --root // reorganize or merge history of commits
 git switch -c fix-classes // creates a a new branch named fix classes
 git switch master // switches back to master branch
 git merge fix-classes // merge the two branches
 git branch -D fix-classes // deletes the old branch
 git stash // stores temporarily a change
 git stash list // shows the list of changes so you can choose
 git stash apply *number* choose from the list which you want to apply
 git clean // removes untracked files
 git clean -df // forces to remove folders and files that are untracked
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