Scenario: User Creates a Playlist
Given I click on the element "//i[@class='fa fa-plus-circle create']"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I click on the element "//li[@data-testid='playlist-context-menu-create-simple']"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I set "a" to the inputfield "//input[@name='name']"
And I press "enter"

Scenario: User Adds a Song to a Playlist
Given I open the url "#!/songs"
When I click on the element "//tr[@class='song-item']"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I click on the element "//button[@class='btn-add-to']"
And I pause for 2000ms
And I click on the element "//section[@id='songsWrapper']//li[contains(text(), 'aa')]"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I click on the element "//a[text()='aa']"
And I pause for 1000ms
Then I expect that container "//section[@id='playlistWrapper']//td[@class='title']" contains the text "Ketsa - That_s a Beat"

Scenario: User Removes a Song from a Playlist
Given I click on the element "//a[text()='aa']"
And I pause for 1000ms
When I click on the element "//section[@id='playlistWrapper']//td[@class='title']"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I press "Delete"
And I pause for 1000ms
Then I expect that container "//section[@id='playlistWrapper']//div[@class='text']" contains the text "The playlist is currently empty."
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