var wndHandle = sp.ForegroundWindow().HWnd;
var desktopHandle = sp.DesktopWindowListView().HWnd;
var result = 1;
var selectedFiles;
var fullPath = "";
var isDesktop = false;
var success = false;
var actionName = "Upload to Imgur"

if(wndHandle.ToInt32() == desktopHandle.ToInt32() || sp.LastFocusControl().HWnd.ToInt32() == desktopHandle.ToInt32()) {
    selectedFiles = sp.GetSelectedFilesOnDesktop();
    isDesktop = true;
} else {
    //Not Desktop
    selectedFiles = sp.GetSelectedFilesInExplorer(wndHandle);

if(selectedFiles.Length != 0) {
    fullPath = selectedFiles[0];

    if(isDesktop) {
        fullPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\" + fullPath;

    result = sp.RunProgram('D:\\Program Files\\ShareX\\ShareX.exe', 
                               `"${fullPath}" -task "${actionName}"`,
                               'open', 'hidden', false, true, true);

    if(result == 0) { 
        success = true;
        sp.ShowBalloonTip("OK", "", "info", 1000);

if(!success) {
    sp.ShowBalloonTip("Upload to Imgur", "Failed", "error", 1000);
//Wait for 1s or 2s then get the URL from the clipboard
//and use google image search engine to search the URL
downloadDownload PNG downloadDownload JPEG downloadDownload SVG

Tip: You can change the style, width & colours of the snippet with the inspect tool before clicking Download!

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