#1 Login to Github account
#2 Create new Git repository by going to https://github/new
#3 Fill in "Repository Name" field with name of name new repositroy
#4 Optionally fill in the "Description" field
#4 Optionaly select one or more of the "Add a", "Add .gitignore", "choose a license" options
#5 Click "Create repository" Button
#6 Get url of new repository - click "Code" button on outer repository page that comes up and then click copy icon at end of https: repository url
#7 Open terminal window and change to the directory the project will be in.
#8 In the terminal "git clone " and past the copied repository url and execute it.
#9 cd into the project directory crated by the clone
#10 Open the directory in Visual Studio Code by entering code .
#11 In VSC create a file name index.html
#12 Edit the created file and type 'doc' and take the emmet expansion
#13 The cursor moves to a empty line after the body tag
#14 Enter an h1 tag with some textual content i.e. <h1>hello world</h1>
#15 Enter a p tab filled with lorem text
#16 duplicate the line with a ctrl-c and multiple ctrl-v's
#17 git status
#18 git ad .
#19 git commit -m "initial commit"
#20 git remote -v
#21 git push origin main
#22 git checkout -b styling		!!! Currently just local
#23 add styles.css to vsc and in index.html add link to styles.css
#24 set contents of styles.css to
  text-align: center;
git add .
git commit -m styling
git push origin styling

on github repository page go to settings - page and set which branch is being to be displayed as a github page.


git clone <url>
git init
git remote add origin <URL>
git remote set-url origin <url>

downloadDownload PNG downloadDownload JPEG downloadDownload SVG

Tip: You can change the style, width & colours of the snippet with the inspect tool before clicking Download!

Click to optimize width for Twitter