<div class="cm_tags_wrp">
  <span class="cm_tag_title">{{ module.title }}</span>
  <span class="cm_tag_title mobile">{{ module.title }}</span>
  <div class="widget-module">
    {% set my_topics = blog_topics(, number_of_topics) %}
        <a href="{{ group.absolute_url }}"><input{% if content.absolute_url|regex_replace("https?://", "") == group.absolute_url|regex_replace("https?://", "") %} checked="checked"{% endif %} type="radio" for="all" name="all"><label for="all">{{ module.all_text }}</label></a></li>
      {% for item in my_topics %}
        <a href="{{ blog_tag_url(, item.slug) }}">
        <input {% if content.absolute_url|regex_replace("https?://", "") == blog_tag_url(, item.slug)|regex_replace("https?://", "") %} checked="checked"{% endif %} type="radio"  value="{{ item }}"  name="check_{{loop.index}}" >
        <label for="check_{{loop.index}}"> {{ item }}</label></a></li>
      {% endfor %}
  <div class="cm_tags_btn">
    <a href="{{ group.absolute_url }}">
      {{ module.button_text }}
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