payload for posting data:

  "address": "binto",
  "bookedForProfileGUID": "05fa50b0-a450-437f-ade3-19bb128192a5",
  "city": "Wadi Zinati",
  "countryGUID": "07217663-f131-46b7-876b-8402f7a8312d",
  "dateOfBirth": "2023-06-06T18:30:00.000Z",
  "email": "",
  "emiratesId": "987978",
  "foreName": "test",
  "isdCode": "+81",
  "isdCodeGUID": "8841f91d-73b4-494c-b794-d8341faf80ab",
  "nationality": "33a784eb-6e88-43d6-8bf7-f41785851f25",
  "passportNo": "7456546",
  "phoneNumber": "76575675",
  "state": "rtfytrytr",
  "surName": "user",
  "zipCode": "654654"

Data got while calling fetching:

    "Output": {
        "profileguid": "34b4dd38-4c9c-42ee-9391-added811e2ad",
        "surName": "user",
        "foreName": "test",
        "address": "binto",
        "city": "Wadi Zinati",
        "countryName": null,
        "dateOfBirth": "2023-06-06T00:00:00",
        "passportNo": "7456546",
        "emiratesId": "",
        "phoneNumber": "76575675",
        "email": "",
        "nationality": "83",
        "isdCode": 106,
        "isdCodeGUID": "8841f91d-73b4-494c-b794-d8341faf80ab",
        "zipCode": "654654",
        "countryGUID": "07217663-f131-46b7-876b-8402f7a8312d",
        "state": "rtfytrytr",
        "dob": "2023-6-6",
        "emiratesIdNo": null,
        "serviceGUID": null,
        "bookedForProfileGUID": null
    "status": true,
    "errorCode": "",
    "errorMessage": "",
    "statusCode": "200",
    "statusMessage": "Success",
    "responseDate": "08/Jun/2023 16:24:06",
    "version": "V1"


Consider you are API expert.

emiratesId field is posting but when we call get method emiratesId is returned as empty string.
Post api is working. get api is also working i think but emiratedId field is retunred empty string even i inserted the same.

I had given the payload while posting data, also the response i got while fetching below it. 

I want to know what is the reason behind this issue.

Please help me to find is this a problem in the api side.
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