var numbers = [12,15,12,13,50,46,50,25,1,3,7,64,125,25]

------------------ map formula --------------------------
//Map -Create a new array by doing something with each item in an array.
// function namedouble(varibale) {
//   return varibale * 2;
// }
// const newNumbers =;

const newNumbers = (varibale) {
  return varibale * 2;
}) // anonymus function because it does not have any name

// var newNumbers = [];
// numbers.forEach(function (varibale) {
//   newNumbers.push(varibale * 2);
// });
------------------ filter formula --------------------------
/Filter - Create a new array by keeping the items that return true.

const newNumbers = numbers.filter(function(num) {
  return num < 10;

// var newNumbers = [];
// numbers.forEach(function(num) {
//   if (num < 10) {
//     newNumbers.push(num);
//   }
// })
------------------ reduce formula --------------------------
//Reduce - Accumulate a value by doing something to each item in an array.

var newNumber = numbers.reduce(function (accumulator, currentNumber) {
  console.log("accumulator = " + accumulator);
  console.log("currentNumber = " + currentNumber);
  return accumulator + currentNumber;

// var newNumber = 0;
// numbers.forEach(function (currentNumber) {
//   newNumber += currentNumber
// })
------------------ find formula --------------------------
//Find - find the first item that matches from an array.

const newNumber = numbers.find(function (num) {
  return num > 10;

------------------ findindex formula --------------------------
//FindIndex - find the index of the first item that matches.

const newNumber = numbers.findIndex(function (num) {
  return num > 10;

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