
const initialUserInput = {
  "current-savings": 10000,
  "yearly-contribution": 1200,
  "expected-return": 7,
  duration: 10

function inputChangeHandler(input, value) {
    setUserInput((prevInput) => {
      return {
        [input]: +value

//**NOTE: The +value expression is used to convert the value to a number (i.e., a numeric data type). The unary + operator in JavaScript is used for type conversion, and when applied to a non-number value, it attempts to convert it to a numeric value.

//The +value expression is used to ensure that the value stored in the state object (prevInput) is of numeric data type, regardless of the data type of the value being passed into the inputChangeHandler function.


  // const [enteredCurrentSavings, setEnteredCurrentSavings] = useState(0);
  // const [enteredYearlyContributions, setEnteredYearlyContributions] = useState(
  //   0
  // );
  // const [enteredExpectedReturn, setEnteredExpectedReturn] = useState(0);
  // const [enteredDuration, setEnteredDuration] = useState(0);
  // const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState({
  //   "current-savings": "",
  //   "yearly-contribution": "",
  //   "expected-return": "",
  //   duration: ""
  // });

  // function currentSavingsChangeHandler(e) {
  //   setEnteredCurrentSavings(;
  // }

  // function yearlyContributionsChangeHandler(e) {
  //   setEnteredYearlyContributions(;
  // }
  // function expectedReturnChangeHandler(e) {
  //   setEnteredExpectedReturn(;
  // }
  // function enteredDurationChangeHandler(e) {
  //   setEnteredDuration(;
  // }

  // function submitHandler(e) {
  //   e.preventDefault();

  //   setUserInput({
  //     "current-savings": enteredCurrentSavings,
  //     "yearly-contribution": enteredYearlyContributions,
  //     "expected-return": enteredExpectedReturn,
  //     duration: enteredDuration
  //   });

  //   calculateHandler(userInput);
  // }
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