// import FullReviewDetail from "@/components/reviews/FullReviewDetail";
// import { ReviewInterface } from "@/models";
// import { MongoClient, ObjectId } from "mongodb";
// import Head from "next/head";

// function FullReviewDetails(props: ReviewInterface) {
//   return (
//     <>
//       <Head>
//         <title>{props.reviewData.title}</title>
//         <meta name="description" content={props.reviewData.comment} />
//       </Head>

//       <FullReviewDetail
//         title={props.reviewData.title}
//         name={}
//         date={}
//         comment={props.reviewData.comment}
//       />
//     </>
//   );
// }

// export async function getStaticPaths() {
//   const client = await MongoClient.connect(
//     "mongodb+srv://"
//   );
//   const db = client.db();

//   const reviewsCollection = db.collection("reviews");

//   // If wanting to find all , can pass in an empty object, which means there's no filter criteria. Second argument can be passed which defines which fields should be extracted for every document.
//   // In this case, we only want the id, so add in the params like below
//   const reviews = await reviewsCollection
//     .find({}, { projection: { _id: 1 } })
//     .toArray();

//   client.close();

//   return {
//     fallback: "blocking",
//     paths: => ({
//       params: { reviewId: review._id.toString() },
//     })),
//   };
// }

// export async function getStaticProps(context: {
//   params: { reviewId: string };
// }) {
//   //fetch data for a single review
//   const reviewId = context.params.reviewId;

//   const client = await MongoClient.connect(
//     "mongodb+srv://"
//   );
//   const db = client.db();

//   const reviewsCollection = db.collection("reviews");

//   const selectedReview = await reviewsCollection.findOne({
//     _id: ObjectId(reviewId),
//   });

//   client.close();

//   // Check if the review was not found
//   if (!selectedReview) {
//     return {
//       notFound: true,
//     };
//   }

//   return {
//     props: {
//       reviewData: {
//         id: selectedReview._id.toString(),
//         title: selectedReview.title,
//         name:,
//         date:,
//         comment: selectedReview.comment,
//       },
//     },
//   };
// }

// export default FullReviewDetails;
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