fcfs output
Enter the number of processes: 5
Enter the burst time for each process:
Process 1: 8
Process 2: 7
Process 3: 16
Process 4: 5
Process 5: 1
Process ID	Burst Time	Waiting Time	Turnaround Time
1		8		0		8
2		7		8		15
3		16		15		31
4		5		31		36
5		1		36		37

Average Waiting Time: 18.00
Average Turnaround Time: 25.40
sjf output:
Enter the number of processes: 5
Enter details for process 1:
Process ID: 12
Arrival Time: 0
Burst Time: 7
Enter details for process 2:
Process ID: 34
Arrival Time: 4
Burst Time: 8
Enter details for process 3:
Process ID: 56
Arrival Time: 7
Burst Time: 9
Enter details for process 4:
Process ID: 78
Arrival Time: 6
Burst Time: 14
Enter details for process 5:
Process ID: 90
Arrival Time: 10
Burst Time: 12

Process	Completion Time	Waiting Time	Turnaround Time
12		7		0		7
34		15		3		11
56		24		8		17
78		38		18		32
90		50		28		40

Average Waiting Time: 11.40
Average Turnaround Time: 21.40
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