//Optional configurations
const tapConfig: TapConfig = {
  interval: 250,
  threshold: 10
const doubleTapConfig: DoubleTapConfig = {
  interval: 250,
  threshold: 10
const longPressConfig: LongPressConfig = {
  time: 300,
  threshold: 10
const slideConfig: SlideConfig = {
  threshold: 10
const swipeConfig: SwipeConfig = {
  threshold: 100

const tap = new TapDetector('tapElement', onGesture.bind(this), tapConfig);
const doubleTap = new DoubleTapDetector('doubleTapElement', onGesture.bind(this), doubleTapConfig);
const longPress = new LongPressDetector('longPressElement', onGesture.bind(this));
const slide = new SlideDetector('slideElement', onGesture.bind(this), slideConfig);
const swipe = new SwipeDetector('swipeElement', onGesture.bind(this), swipeConfig);

function onGesture(event: GestureEvent) {
  if(event.type === GestureType.Swipe && event.dir === GestureDirection.Down) {
    //Do something
  } else if(event.type === GestureType.Slide) {
    //Do something
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