Topological Sort 🚩🚩🚩


Sun Jan 30 2022 09:29:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @vaibhav_55

    Whenever,in question there is something about dependency i.e if there is given something that this depend on other then first think of topological sort.

    Topological sort:-
            -> can be applied only on DAG->directed acyclic graph
            ->if there is directed edge from a to b then a will always come before the b in topo sort.

    How to find:-
        -> first algo
            ->while doing normal dfs after traversing the whole adjacency list push the curr node in stack and then after whole dfs just print the stack by poping each element.

        ->second algo
            ->KHANS's Algorithm
                    1)give the indegree to each node while building the graph

                    2)now start from the node which has indegree 0 and push them into the queue

                    3)while,traversing the adjancecy list decrease the indegree of each child node

                    4)now,push only those element in the queue which has indegree 0

                    5)loop this till queue does not become empty


typedef long long ll;
vector<ll> g[100001], visi(100001, 0), in(100001, 0);


// dfs based approach
void topoSortUsingDfs(ll s, stack<ll> &st)
    if (visi[s])
    visi[s] = true;
    for (ll child : g[s])
        if (visi[child] == false)
            topoSortUsingDfs(child, st);

    st.push(s); // at last pushing the curr vertex in stack
       -->dfs based approach implementation in main function
       stack<ll> st;
       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
           if (visi[i] == false)
               topoSortUsingDfs(i, st);

       while (!st.empty())
           cout << << " ";


// Khan's Algorithm
void khanAlgo(ll n)
    queue<ll> q;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (in[i] == 0)
            q.push(i);//firstly pushing all the vertices with indegree 0 in queue.
            visi[i] = true;
    vector<int> topoSort;
    while (!q.empty())
        ll curr = q.front();
        topoSort.push_back(curr); // pushing the curr in to vector
        for (ll child : g[curr])
            if (visi[child] == false)
            if (in[child] == 0)
                q.push(child); // push only those element which has indegree 0
                visi[child] = true;

    //increasing the indegree of each vertex
    while (m--)
        ll s, d;
        cin >> s >> d;
