arrays and pointers


Wed Jun 08 2022 18:10:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @KanishqJ8

int main()
    // char a = '3';
    // char* ptra = &a;
    // printf("%d\n", ptra);
    // ptra--;
    // printf("%d\n", ptra);
    // printf("%d", ptra-2);
    int arr[] = {311,52,3,4,5,6,67};
    int* arrayptr = arr;
    printf("Value at position 3 of the array is %d\n", arr[3]);
    printf("The address of first element of the array is %d \n", &arr[0]);
    printf("The address of first element of the array is %d \n", arr);
    printf("The address of second element of the array is %d \n", &arr[1]);
    printf("The address of second element of the array is %d \n", arr + 1);
    printf("The address of third element of the array is %d \n", &arr[2]);
    printf("The address of third element of the array is %d \n", arr + 2);
    // arr--; // this line will throw an error

    printf("The value at address of first element of the array is %d \n", *(&arr[0]));
    printf("The value at address of first element of the array is %d \n", arr[0]);
    printf("The value at address of first element of the array is %d \n", *(arr));
    printf("The value at address of second element of the array is %d \n", *(&arr[1]));
    printf("The value at address of second element of the array is %d \n", arr[1]);
    printf("The value at address of second element of the array is %d \n", *(arr + 1));

    return 0;