Destructured Assignment


Thu Jul 21 2022 18:43:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @cruz #javascript

const vampire = {
  name: 'Dracula',
  residence: 'Transylvania',
  preferences: {
    day: 'stay inside',
    night: 'satisfy appetite'
const residence = vampire.residence; 
console.log(residence); // Prints 'Transylvania'

const { residence } = vampire; 
console.log(residence); // Prints 'Transylvania'

//Look back at the vampire object’s properties in the first code example. Then, in the example above, we declare a new variable residence that extracts the value of the residence property of vampire. When we log the value of residence to the console, 'Transylvania' is printed.
//We can even use destructured assignment to grab nested properties of an object:

const { day } = vampire.preferences; 
console.log(day); // Prints 'stay inside'

const robot = {
  model: '1E78V2',
  energyLevel: 100,
  functionality: {
    beep() {
      console.log('Beep Boop');
    fireLaser() {
      console.log('Pew Pew');

const { functionality } = robot;
