Angular App Structure, based from chatgpt


Wed Apr 05 2023 14:40:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Jeremicah

├── app/
|   ├── app.component.html
|   ├── app.component.scss
|   ├── app.component.spec.ts
|   ├── app.component.ts
|   ├── app.module.ts
|   ├── app-routing.module.ts
|   ├── shared/
|   |   ├── models/
|   |   |   └── user.ts
|   |   ├── services/
|   |   |   ├── auth.service.ts
|   |   |   └── user.service.ts
|   |   └── components/
|   |       ├── header/
|   |       |   ├── header.component.html
|   |       |   ├── header.component.scss
|   |       |   ├── header.component.spec.ts
|   |       |   ├── header.component.ts
|   |       |   └── header.module.ts
|   |       └── footer/
|   |           ├── footer.component.html
|   |           ├── footer.component.scss
|   |           ├── footer.component.spec.ts
|   |           ├── footer.component.ts
|   |           └── footer.module.ts
|   └── modules/
|       ├── home/
|       |   ├── home.component.html
|       |   ├── home.component.scss
|       |   ├── home.component.spec.ts
|       |   ├── home.component.ts
|       |   └── home.module.ts
|       └── profile/
|           ├── profile.component.html
|           ├── profile.component.scss
|           ├── profile.component.spec.ts
|           ├── profile.component.ts
|           └── profile.module.ts
├── assets/
|   └── images/
|       └── logo.png
├── environments/
|   ├──
|   └── environment.ts
├── index.html
├── main.ts
├── styles.scs

In this structure, the main application files are located in the app/ folder. The app.component.* files define the root component for the application, and the app.module.ts file defines the main module for the application. The app-routing.module.ts file defines the routes for the application.

The shared/ folder contains common files used throughout the application, including models/, services/, and components/. The models/ folder contains TypeScript interfaces or classes that define data structures used in the application. The services/ folder contains services that handle data requests or perform other tasks. The components/ folder contains reusable components that can be used throughout the application.

The modules/ folder contains feature modules that define components, services, and routes for specific features of the application. Each feature module has its own folder with its own module.ts file defining its module and component.* files defining the components specific to that module.

The assets/ folder contains static files such as images, icons, and other resources used in the application.

The environments/ folder contains configuration files for different environments, such as development and production.

The index.html file is the main HTML file for the application, and the main.ts file is the entry point for the application. The styles.scss file contains global styles for the application, and the test.ts file contains configuration for running tests.

This structure provides a clear separation of concerns and makes it easy to manage