# Git Commands

## git init
initialize git and create a new local repository

## git add .
track all the files in the local repo for changes

## git add filename
track a specific file in the repo for changes

## git commit -m "first commit" -m "the description"
take a snapshot of the files in the repo

## git status
check the status of your code

## git remote add origin https-link
add a new remote repository

## git push origin master
push the local repository to github

## git push -u origin master
push the local repository to github and also set upstream (enables you to use git push only in future)

## git branch
check the current branch and available branches

## git checkout -b new-branch-name
go to another new branch

## git checkout existing-branch
switch to an existing branch

## git diff feature
see the difference between files you want to merge

## git config --global user.name "[name]"
Sets the name you want attached to your commit transactions

## git config --global user.email "[email address]"
Sets the email you want attached to your commit transactions

## git config --global color.ui auto
Enables helpful colorization of command line output

## git push
use this cmd when pushing a new branch to see how it should be done

## git pull
when upstream is set , to pull from github when changes made on the github and want them to reflect on local machine

## git pull origin master
to pull from github when changes made on the github and want them to reflect on local machine

## git branch -d branch-name
delete a branch

## git commit -am "message"
commit and add at the same time