let today = new Date();
  var priorDate = new Date().setDate(today.getDate() - 30); //Today 30 days ago   
	const createdList = inventory.map((item) => new Date(item.created)); //Creating an array of each instance of created and putting it into an array, parsed to a Date.
   createdList.forEach((val) => {
     //Grabbing each individual date from createdList and checking to see if it's been created for 30 days or more.
     if (val < priorDate) {
       console.log("This was created more than 30 days ago");
 h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
h[:my_value] = 'foo'
h['my_value'] #=> will return "foo"

  inventory.map((item) => {
    const { created } = item;
    console.log("created", created)
    const createdDate = new Date(created);
    console.log(typeof createdDate)
    console.log("created date", createdDate);
    console.log("today", today);
    if (+createdDate < priorDate) {
      console.log("This was created more than 30 days ago");
    console.log("prior date", priorDate)
    console.log("today parsed to number", +today)