// By Maxi.

//Installing Bootstrap ( locally )
 > npm install bootstrap@3 --save

// Data Binding.
..> Output Data
1.String Interpolation :
Should be a string, Or can be converted to string.
 <h3>My Name is {{ name }}  {{'Singh'}}   {{ lastName() }} </h3> 

2. Property Binding :
  ( [propert] ='data' )

<button class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="!allowNewServer">Click here</button> <b [innerText] = "allowNewServer">  </b>

  setTimeout(()=>{ this.allowNewServer = true;
// 'disabled' is the property here, We are toggling the boolean value to disable or enabled the between ( if it's true then it will be disabled else btn will be enabled. )

..< React to Events
 ( (event) = 'expression' )

3. Two way Binding : 
  ( [(ng Model)] = 'data' )