    "vee-validations": {
        "Required": "required",
        "Email": "the email format is incorrect",
        "Numeric": "must be a number",
        "CellPhone": "format is incorrect",
        "Not_Before_Military_Service_Start_Date": "not earlier than the date of enlistment"
    "Buttons": {
        "Search": "Search",
        "Add": "Add",
        "Edit": "Edit",
        "Delete": "Delete",
        "Cancel": "Cancel",
        "View": "Scrutinize",
        "Save": "Save",
        "Create": "Create",
        "Confirm": "Confirm",
        "Close": "Close",
        "GoBack": "Return",
        "CreateNewVersion": "Create a new version",
        "ChangePassword": "Change password",
        "InviteInterview": "Interview invitation",
        "CopyDemandData": "Copy historical information",
        "Back": "Back",
        "Next": "Next",
        "Choose": "Select",
        "ShowData": "View the information",
        "HireMail": "Admission notice",
        "ReportMail": "Report-in notifications",
        "HR": "建立HR資料",
        "AddEmployee": "New employee",
        "AddFeature": "New feature",
        "AddRole": "New Role"
    "Basic": {
        "Add": "Add",
        "Edit": "Edit",
        "Delete": "Delete",
        "Code": "代碼",
        "Name": "名稱",
        "Menu": "選單",
        "Department": "Department",
        "Employee": "Employee",
        "Role": "Role",
        "CreateTime": "Create time",
        "CreateUser": "Creator",
        "UpdateUser": "Updater",
        "ApplyStartDate": "申請日期(起)",
        "ApplyEndDate": "申請日期(訖)",
        "ApplyDate": "申請日期",
        "ApplyUser": "申請者",
        "Candidate": "應聘者",
        "ApplyDepartment": "申請部門",
        "AdaptiveTesting": "適性測驗",
        "HealthAssessment": "健康評估",
        "Account": "Account",
        "ChineseName": "Name",
        "Gender": "Gender",
        "Age": "Age",
        "Male": "Male",
        "Female": "Female",
        "Phone_Number": "Phone Number",
        "Supervisor": "Supervisor",
        "Enable": "啟用",
        "RecruitStatus": "招募狀態",
        "DemandNo": "需求單單號",
        "Select": "Select",
        "CopyLink": "複製連結",
        "InterviewTime": "面談時間",
        "DesiredPosition": "應徵職務",
        "EmptyResult": "暫無資料",
        "On": "On",
        "Off": "Off",
        "DL": "Direct Labor",
        "IDL": "Indirect Labor",
        "Yes": "Yes",
        "No": "NO"
    "Organization": {
        "EmployeeSearch": "Employee",
        "AddDepartment": "New department",
        "EditDepartment": "Edit the department",
        "DeleteDepartment": "Delete the department",
        "AddEmployee": "New employee",
        "EditEmployee": "Edit the employee",
        "DeleteEmployee": "Delete the employee",
        "DepartmentCode": "Department Name",
        "DepartmentName": "Department Code",
        "Primary": "Main department",
        "DoubleAs": "Cross-department"
    "Features": {
        "AddFeature": "New feature",
        "EditFeature": "Edit the feature",
        "DeleteFeature": "Delete the feature",
        "FeatureName": "Feature Name",
        "Type": "Claim type",
        "DeclareValue": "Claim value"
    "Role": {
        "AddRole": "New Role",
        "EditRole": "Edit the Role",
        "DeleteRole": "Delete the Role",
        "RoleName": "Role",
        "SetUpPermission": "Permission setting",
        "SetUpEmployee": "Employee setting",
        "Permission": "Permission"
    "Menu": {
        "MenuName": "Menu",
        "MenuLink": "Link of the menu",
        "AddMain": "New main menu",
        "EditMain": "Edit the main menu",
        "AddSub": "New sub menu",
        "EditSub": "Edit the sub menu",
        "DeleteMenu": "Delete the Menu",
        "Unfold": "Unfold",
        "ExternalLink": "External Link"
    "Template": {
        "TemplateName": "The name of the template",
        "MailSubject": "Subject",
        "MailContent": "Content",
        "DeleteTemplate": "Delete the template",
        "PersonalDataCollectionAgreement": "Consent Form",
        "Version": "Version",
        "Content": "Content",
        "ChangePasswordInform": "Notification for password change",
        "LatestUpdateTime": "Last updated time"
    "Position": {
        "PositionName": "Name",
        "PositionCode": "Code",
        "JobDescription": "Description",
        "AddPosition": "新增職務",
        "EditPosition": "編輯職務",
        "DeletePosition": "刪除職務",
        "Title": "職位",
        "Status": "狀態"
    "DemandApply": {
        "HistoryDemand": "歷史需求單",
        "ApplyData": "申請資訊",
        "DemandData": "需求資訊",
        "JobData": "職務資訊",
        "DegreeRequirement": "學歷條件",
        "ExperienceRequirement": "經歷條件",
        "ResumeType": "履歷類型",
        "ApprovalSetting": "簽核設定",
        "ApprovalUser": "簽核人員",
        "RecruitDeadline": "招募期限",
        "Require": "需要",
        "JobType": "職務性質",
        "FullTime": "全職",
        "PartTime": "兼職",
        "HighLevel": "高階",
        "DemandNumber": "需求人數",
        "DateOfAppointment": "預定任職日",
        "RecruitMethod": "招募方式",
        "ContractType": "聘僱合約類別",
        "JobLocation": "工作地點",
        "JobResponsibility": "工作內容",
        "Description": "說明",
        "ManagementResponsibility": "管理責任",
        "OfficeHours": "工作時間",
        "Shifts": "輪班",
        "BusinessTrip": "出差",
        "Expat": "外派",
        "Degree": "學歷",
        "Major": "科系",
        "Language": "外語",
        "Dialect": "方言"
    "DemandReview": {
        "DeleteDemand": "刪除需求單",
        "DemandStatus": "狀態"

    "Language": {
        "Title": "Language",
        "Lists_Of_Languages": "Language",
        "Others_Language": "Foreign language",
        "Listen": "Listen",
        "Speak": "Speak",
        "Read": "Read",
        "Write": "Write",
        "Poor": "Poor",
        "Good": "Good",
        "Excellent": "Excellent",
        "SelectLanguage": "請選擇語言",
        "SelectLevel": "Required",
        "Notes_01": "After completing your English language competency,",
        "Notes_02": "you can add other language competences."

    "StatusBar": {
        "ResumeList": "履歷數量",
        "WaitInterview": "待面談",
        "Interviewed": "已面談",
        "NotArrived": "面談未到",
        "InterviewResult": "面談結果",
        "AppointResult": "任用結果",
        "ShowDemandDetail": "檢視需求單"

    "CacheResume": {
        "mailStartDate": "信件日期(起)",
        "mailEndDate": "信件日期(訖)",
        "Keyword": "關鍵字"

    "PersonalData": {
        "Title": "Personal Data",
        "Last_Name": "Last Name",
        "First_Name": "First Name",
        "ChineseName": "Chinese Name",
        "EnglishName": "English Name",
        "English_Name": "English Name",
        "Cell_Phone": "Cell Phone",
        "Telephone": "Telephone",
        "Email": "Email",
        "Nationality": "Nationality",
        "Citizen": "Citizen",
        "Non-Citizen": "Non-Citizen",
        "Country": "Country",
        "Resident_Certificate_ID": "Resident Certificate ID",
        "National_Identification_ID": "National Identification ID",
        "Marital_Status": "Marital Status",
        "Unmarried": "Unmarried",
        "Married": "Married",
        "Special_Identity": "Special Identity",
        "Birthday": "Date of Birth",
        "Military_Service": "Compulsory Military Service",
        "Discharge": "Discharge",
        "Not_Yet": "Not Yet",
        "Exemption": "Exemption",
        "In_Service": "In Service",
        "Exemption_Reason": "Reason for Exemption",
        "Military_Service_Start_Date": "Date of Enlistment",
        "Military_Service_End_Date": "Date of Discharge",
        "Employment_Status": "Employment Status",
        "Employed": "Employed",
        "Between_Jobs": "Between Jobs",
        "Student": "Student",
        "Disability_Identification": "Disability ID Cards",
        "Disability_Levels": "Levels of Disability",
        "Mild": "Mild",
        "Moderate": "Moderate",
        "Severe": "Severe",
        "Position_Desired": "Desired Job Title",
        "Height": "Height (cm)",
        "Weight": "Weight (kg)",
        "Blood_Type": "Blood Type",
        "M_Postcode": "Postal Code",
        "Mailing_Address": "Mailing Address",
        "P_Postcode": "Postal Code",
        "Permanent_Address": "Permanent Address",
        "Same_P_Address": "Same as Permanent Address"

    "Diploma": {
        "Title": "Education",
        "Highest_Diploma": "Highest Diploma",
        "Second_Diploma": "Second Diploma",
        "School": "School",
        "School_Category": "School Categories",
        "Student_Status": "Student Status",
        "Graduate": "Graduate",
        "No_Degree": "Haven't Received Degree",
        "In_School": "In School",
        "School_System": "School System",
        "Day": "Day School",
        "Night": "Night School",
        "Major_Types": "Major Types",
        "Major": "Major",
        "Education_From": "Start Date",
        "Education_To": "End Date",
        "Thesis": "Thesis",
        "Professor": "Professor"

    "Work": {
        "Title": "Experience",
        "Add_Experience": "Add Experience",
        "Non-Experience": "No Experience",
        "Have_Experience": "Having Experience",
        "Company": "Business Name",
        "Industry_Type": "Types of Business Industries",
        "Job_Type": "Types of Careers",
        "Job_Titles": "Job Titles",
        "Currently_Employed": "Currently Employed",
        "Experience_Form": "Start Date",
        "Experience_To": "End Date",
        "Salary": "Salary",
        "Job_Description": "Job Description",
        "Leave_Reason": "Reasons for Leaving",
        "Notes": "Please click the button below"

    "Others": {
        "Title": "Others Data",
        "Job_Applicant_Data": "Job Applicant Data",
        "Expected_Salary": "Salary Expectations",
        "Wage": "Wage",
        "Salary": "Salary",
        "Annual_Compensation": "Annual Compensation",
        "Negotiation": "Negotiation",
        "As_Per_Stipulated": "As Per Stipulated",
        "Notice_Period": "What's Your Notice Period ?",
        "Immediately": "Immediately",
        "After_Notice": "After",
        "Assigned_Date": "Assigned Date",
        "Days_Or_Weeks": "Days / Weeks",
        "Workplace": "Workplace",
        "Multiple_Answer": "(A Multiple Answer Question)",
        "Dormitory_Apply": "Apply For Employee Dormitory",
        "Notes": "(提供新⼈半年免費宿舍,但須經HR審核)",
        "Job_Source": "Job Source",
        "Reference": "Reference",
        "Emergency_Contact": "Emergency Contact",
        "Family_Status": "Family Status",
        "Family_Member": "Family Member",
        "RelationShip": "RelationShip",
        "Employee_ID": "Employee ID",
        "Postcode": "Postal Code",
        "Occupation": "Occupation",
        "Personal_Traits": "Personal Traits",
        "Strengths": "Strengths",
        "Weaknesses": "Weaknesses",
        "NCC": "Non-Compete Clause",
        "Service_Unit": "Service Unit"

    "Skill": {
        "Title": "Skill",
        "Skills_Introduction": "Skills Introduction",
        "Computer_Skills": "Computer Skills",
        "Certificate": "Certificate",
        "Training_Records": "Training Records",
        "Drivers_License": "Drivers License"

    "Autobiography": {
        "Title": "Autobiography"

    "User": {
        "Homepage": "Homepage",
        "Creat_Account": "Create New Account",
        "Forget_Password": "Forgotten Password",
        "Account": "Email Address",
        "Password": "Password",
        "Login": "Log In",
        "Sub_Title_01": "If you don't have account",
        "Sub_Title_02": "Click on the create account button",
        "Candidate": "Candidate",
        "Logout": "Log Out"