postgres-# ( terminal commands)
- list all databases : \l
- list of all tables : \d
- list only the tables : \dt
- list all fields in a table : \d person (name of the table)
- import from external file : \i c:/postgrescourse/person.sql
Ex. \i /home/forge/forge33-5-16-23.sql

- connect to database psql and import .sql file
> psql -h localhost -U postgres -d forgeprod -f C:\forgeprod.sql

- access to database to query 
> psql -U postgres -d forgeprod

- datatypes info:
bigserial : increment int in sequence
date : year,month,day

- create database : create database test;
- drop database : drop database test;
- drop table : drop table person;
- connect to a database ( two forms ) :  
\c test (or) -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres test
- create table sintax : create table table_name ( column name + data type + constraints if any ) 

- create table : 
create table person ( 
	id int,
	first_name varchar(50),
  	last_name varchar(50),
    gender varchar(6),
    date_of_birth date
- create table w/constraints ( need to satisfied rules): 
create table person (
 	id bigserial not null primary key,
 	first_name varchar(50) not null,
 	last_name varchar(50) not null,
    gender varchar(6) not null, 
    date_of_birth date not null

- create table : 
insert into person ( first_name, last_name, gender, date_of_birth) values ('Anne','Smith','Female',date '1988-01-09');

- Using OFFSET and LIMIT : select * from person OFFSET 5 LIMIT 5;
- Using OFFSET and FETCH : select * from person OFFSET 5 FETCH 5 ROW ONLY;
- Using BETWEEN : select * from person where date_of_birth BETWEEN DATE '2000-01-01' and '2015-01-01';
- Diferences between LIKE and ILIKE : ILIKE is case insensitive. 

- Using Group By : select country_of_birth, count(*) from person group by country_of_birth; ( will count how many people are from that country )
- Using Having with Group By : select country_of_birth, count(*) from person having count(*) > 5 group by country_of_birth; ( must have above 5 to show )