//Install MySql on Windows system.

> USE dataBaseName

                         // Clauses
                     - SELECT
  : '*' Will return all the coloumns from the selected   table.
> SELECT fName,lName FROM customers //This will only look for the 2 specified columns.
> SELECT lname, points, points + 10 FROM customers
 // 'points + 10' Will add the given points to existing points coloumn.

> SELECT lname, points, points - 10 * 800 FROM customers
 // 'points - 10' Will Subtract the given points from existing points coloumn amnd then multiple by 800. We can use brackets if needed. 

> SELECT lname, points, points - 10 * 800 AS discount_factor FROM customers
// 'points - 10 * 800' column heading will not make sense to read, So we use 'AS' ( Alliance ), It will rename the heading from 'points - 10 * 800' to 'discount_factor'

> SELECT DISTINCT fname,lname from tableName;
//It will return the unique values for fname and lname, Duplicates will be removed. 

                           - WHERE
SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE name = 'tom';

SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE name != 'tom';
SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE name <> 'tom'; //"! and <>" are same.
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE NOT score = 120;
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE SCORE NOT IN ( 132, 20, 60); 
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE score IN ( 132, 20, 60);    
SELECT score FROM table1 WHERE score = 100;
SELECT score FROM table1 WHERE score > 10;
SELECT score FROM table1 WHERE score < 200;
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE date > '1991-10-10';

                  //'ORDER BY'
  FROM customers
  ORDER BY first_name;
  //It will sort the list using the 'first Name' in     ascending order.

  FROM customers
  ORDER BY first_name DESC;
  //It will sort the list using the 'first Name' in     decending order.
* WE can also add multiple 

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE date >= '1990-7-10' AND date <= '1990-10-10';

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE date >= '1990-7-10' OR date <= '1990-10-10';

                               //AND OR
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE date >= '1990-7-10' AND points > 100  AND score = 120;

** AND : 'AND' Operator has higer precedence then the 'OR' operator**
  : I.E 'AND' Operator will be executed first, Even if the 'OR' is mentioned first. We can change the order using parenthesis.

 'IN' Operator:                 // 'NOT'  // IN
: We can use 'NOT' pretty much anywhere. 
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE  score = 20 OR score = 60 OR score = 132;  
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE score IN ( 132, 20, 60);    
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE score NOT IN ( 132, 20, 60);    

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE SCORE BETWEEN 100 AND 150;           
//Both the points are inlusive.
: It's used to find some pattern string/number/data.
> SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE fname LIKE "kara%";  //look for string starting with 'kar'
> LIKE "%ingh";  //look for string ending with 'ingh'
> LIKE "%IN%";  //look for string 'IN' ( can be anywhere )
> NOT LIKE "%IN%";  // NOT look for string 'IN' ( can be anywhere )
> LIKE "___karan%";  //look for string 'karan' starting after 3 characters ( 3 uderscores ).
> LIKE "b__y";  //look for string starting with 'b', ending with 'y' and have any two characters in between.

                             //Regexp ( Regular expression )
> SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE fname REGEXP 'tring'; //It is same as '%tring%'
> SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE fname REGEXP '^stri'; //It is same as '%tring' ( look for 'Starting' of starting )
> SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE fname REGEXP 'ing$'; //It is same as 'ing%' ( look for Ending Part)

> SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEXP 'Tom|Allen'; //We add pipe in between 2 strings, This way it will search for the either of the provided strings.
> SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEXP 'Tom|Allen|karan';
>  SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEXP 'Tom|Allen|rose$';

>  SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEX '[gim]e';
//It will look for 'ge' or 'ie' or 'me', 1 will be string from the brackets and which will be matched with 'e'.

>  SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEX '[a-c]j';
 //It will look for the pattern 'aj'or 'bj' or 'cj'.

>  SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEX 'e[gim]';
 //It will look for patter 'eg' or 'ei' or 'em'

>  SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEX 'j[a-c]';
 //It will look for the pattern 'ja'or 'jb' or 'jc'.

> SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEXP 'om$|en$';
  //Will look for 'om' or 'en' at the end of the string.

>  SELECT * FROM nameinfo WHERE Name REGEXP 's|ll';
 //Will look for 's' or 'll' anythere in the field ( can be starting,ending or middle.)
 : We use double Hyphen ( -- ) in the front of the code to make it as a comment.
> --FROM customers        //This line will be commented. 
> WHERE customer_id = 100                         
> CREATE TABLE tableName (
                        columnName1 dataType(),
                        columnName2 dataType(),
                        columnName3 dataType(),
> INSERT INTO tableName VALUES("abv","ds","sda");

> ALTER TABLE tableName ADD newColumn1 dataType();
//Add new coloumn to the existing table

> DROP TABLE tableName1;
//'tableName1' will be deleted from the selected DB.

             //Null ( Empty Field )

  FROM tableName 
  WHERE phoneNumer IS NULL;
 //It will return all the phoneNumber's which has        values NULL.