// my slick slider as constant object
const mySlider = $('.testimonail-wrapper').on('init', function(slick) {

  // on init run our multi slide adaptive height function

}).on('beforeChange', function(slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {

  // on beforeChange run our multi slide adaptive height function


// our multi slide adaptive height function passing slider object
function multiSlideAdaptiveHeight(slider) {

  // set our vars
  let activeSlides = [];
  let tallestSlide = 0;

  // very short delay in order for us get the correct active slides
  setTimeout(function() {

    // loop through each active slide for our current slider
    $('.slick-track .slick-active', slider).each(function(item) {

      // add current active slide height to our active slides array
      activeSlides[item] = $(this).outerHeight();


    // for each of the active slides heights
    activeSlides.forEach(function(item) {

      // if current active slide height is greater than tallest slide height
      if (item > tallestSlide) {

        // override tallest slide height to current active slide height
        tallestSlide = item;



    // set the current slider slick list height to current active tallest slide height
    $('.slick-list', slider).height(tallestSlide);

  }, 10);


// when window is resized
$(window).on('resize', function() {

  // run our multi slide adaptive height function incase current slider active slides change height responsively
