Option Explicit
Sub mcSim()

    range("E3", "AL100").Clear

    Dim mcSim() As Double, mu As Double, iters As Integer, time As Integer
    Dim sd As Double, row As Integer, col As Integer

    time = InputBox("On which day would you like to exercise your option? (select a number between 1 and 63)")
    ReDim mcSim(1 To time, 1 To 30)
    iters = range("C17")
    range("B16").Value = "Selected exercise day"
    range("C16").Value = time

' Here you want to set the mean and stddev
' to whichever cell contains your inputs

    mu = range("C11")
    sd = range("C12")
   'i is rows, j is cols
    For col = 1 To iters
        For row = 1 To time
            mcSim(row, col) = mu + sd * WorksheetFunction.Norm_S_Inv(Rnd)
        Next row
    Next col

    range("F4").Resize(time, iters) = mcSim

    'label 2x2 array
    For col = 1 To 30
        For row = 1 To time
            Cells(row + 3, 5) = row
            Cells(3, col + 5) = col
        Next row
    Next col
    range("E3").Value = "Day"
    range(Cells(3, 5), Cells(time + 3, 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = 24
    range(Cells(3, 5), Cells(time + 3, 5)).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End Sub
Sub FV1rand()

Dim col As Integer, row As Integer
Dim myrange As range
Dim time As Integer

time = range("C16")

For col = 6 To 35
    For row = 4 To time + 3
        Cells(row, 37) = 1 + Cells(row, col)
    Next row
    Set myrange = range(Cells(4, 37), Cells(time + 3, 37))
    Cells(time + 5, col) = WorksheetFunction.Product(myrange)
Next col
Cells(time + 5, 5) = "Future value of R1"
Cells(time + 5, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 24

End Sub

Sub valuecalcs()

Dim col As Integer, row As Integer
Dim myrange As range
Dim time As Integer

time = range("C16")

Cells(time + 6, 5) = "ST"
Cells(time + 7, 5) = "X"
Cells(time + 8, 5) = "Max(ST-X,0)"
Cells(time + 9, 5) = "DCF"
Cells(time + 11, 5) = "Average DCF"

For col = 6 To 35
    Cells(time + 6, col) = WorksheetFunction.Product(Cells(time + 5, col), Cells(3, 3))
    Cells(time + 7, col) = range("C7")
    If Cells(time + 6, col) - Cells(time + 7, col) <= 0 Then
        Cells(time + 8, col) = 0
            Cells(time + 8, col) = Cells(time + 6, col) - Cells(time + 7, col)
        End If
    Cells(time + 9, col) = WorksheetFunction.Product(Cells(time + 8, col), Cells(14, 3))
    Next col
Set myrange = range(Cells(time + 9, 6), Cells(time + 9, 35))
Cells(time + 11, 6) = WorksheetFunction.Average(myrange)

Cells(time + 6, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 24
Cells(time + 7, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 24
Cells(time + 8, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 24
Cells(time + 9, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 24
Cells(time + 11, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 17
Cells(time + 6, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Cells(time + 7, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Cells(time + 8, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Cells(time + 9, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Cells(time + 11, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End Sub