var AnywhereCTIService = Class.create();
AnywhereCTIService.prototype = {
    // This is just for the developers reference, not used in the code
        'callerNumber': '+12345678901',
        'agentSip': ''

    // List of properties that should be present in the request body
    MANDATORY_BODY_PROPERTIES: ['callerNumber', 'agentSip'],

        'state': 'work_in_progress',
        'type': 'phone',
        'short_description': 'Received a call',

    // Fields that should be included in the response

    // Fields that should have their display value included in the response
	// Fields that should have their display value included in the response
        'C_Open_Fleet' : '1',

     * Initialize the variables
     * @param {RESTAPIRequest}  request 
     * @param {RESTAPIResponse} response 
    initialize: function (request, response) {
        this.logger = new global.GSLog('pl4.csm.anywhere365.log', this.type);
        this.request = request;
        this.response = response;
        this.validated = false;
        this.error = false;
        this.errorObj = {
            'statusCode': '',
            'message': '',
            'details': ''
        this.interactionGr = false;


     * Main function that is executed in the Scripted REST API
    process: function () {
        try {
            this.validated = this.validateRequest();
            if (this.validated !== true) {

            this.interactionGr = this._createInteraction();

        } catch (e) {
            this.logErr('[process] caught an error: ' + e + '\nstack:\n' + e.stack);
            this._setError(500, 'Internal server error', '');

     * Populates the default interaction fields and makes data lookup for Caller and Agent
     * @returns {Object}
    _getInteractionFields: function () {
        var fields = {
            'assigned_to': '',
            'account': '',
            'contact': '',
            'consumer': '',
            'opened_by': '',
			'opened_for': '',
            'u_assignment_type': ''

        for (var defaultField in this.INTERATCION_FIELDS_DEFAULTS) {
            if (, defaultField)) {
                var defaultFieldValue = this.INTERATCION_FIELDS_DEFAULTS[defaultField];
                fields[defaultField] = defaultFieldValue;

        // lookup assignment type
        var assignmentType = this._getAssignmentType(this.bodyData.ucc);
            fields.u_assignment_type = assignmentType.join(',');
            this.logDebug('[_getInteractionFields] assignmenttype(s) found: ' + assignmentType.join(','));

        // Lookup the agent
        var agentEmail = this._getAgentEmail();
        var agentGr = this._lookupAgentByEmail(agentEmail);

        if (agentGr !== false) {
            fields.assigned_to = agentGr && agentGr.getUniqueValue();
            this.logDebug('[_getInteractionFields] found agent: ' + agentGr.getUniqueValue() + ' ' + agentGr.getDisplayValue());

        // Lookup the caller
        var callerNumber = this._getCallerNumber();
        var contactGr;
        var consumerGr;
        var userGr;

        // Try to lookup Contact by mobile phone first
        contactGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('customer_contact', 'mobile_phone', callerNumber);
        if (contactGr === false) contactGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('customer_contact', 'phone', callerNumber);

        if (contactGr !== false) {
            // We found the contact, now we can get the account
   = contactGr.getUniqueValue();
            fields.account = contactGr.getValue('account');
            this.logDebug('[_getInteractionFields] found contact: ' + contactGr.getUniqueValue() + ' ' + contactGr.getDisplayValue());

        if (contactGr === false) {
            // Did not find Contact, look for consumers
            consumerGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('csm_consumer', 'mobile_phone', callerNumber);
            if (consumerGr === false) consumerGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('csm_consumer', 'business_phone', callerNumber);
            if (consumerGr === false) consumerGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('csm_consumer', 'home_phone', callerNumber);

            if (consumerGr !== false) {
                fields.consumer = consumerGr.getUniqueValue();
                this.logDebug('[_getInteractionFields] found consumer: ' + consumerGr.getUniqueValue() + ' ' + consumerGr.getDisplayValue());
			if(consumerGr === false){
				userGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('sys_user','phone', callerNumber);
				if(userGr === false) userGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('sys_user','mobile_phone', callerNumber);
				if(userGr === false) userGr = this._lookupUserByPhone('sys_user','u_ip_phone', callerNumber);
				if(userGr !== false){
					fields.opened_for = userGr.getUniqueValue();
					this.logDebug('[_getInteractionFields] found internal user: ' + userGr.getUniqueValue() + ' ' + userGr.getDisplayValue());

        // Add variables to short description
        fields.short_description += ' from ' + callerNumber;

        this.logDebug('[_getInteractionFields] fields result: ' + global.JSON.stringify(fields));
        return fields;

     * Get the caller phone from the body
     * @returns {String}
    _getCallerNumber: function () {
        return String(this.bodyData.callerNumber);

     * Get the assignment type from the ucc
     * @returns 
    _getAssignmentType: function(ucc) {
        var group = new GlideRecord('sys_user_group');
        group.get('u_ucc', ucc);
        var assTypes = new DataSeparationUtils().getAssignmentTypes(group.u_business_group);
		gs.log('assignment type function: ' + assTypes);
        return assTypes;

     * Get the agent sip from the body
     * @returns {String}
    _getAgentEmail: function () {
        return String(this.bodyData.agentSip).replace('sip:', '');

     * Lookup the user by specified phone number
     * Note that the number format should match exactly
     * @param {String} table table where user should be looked up
     * @param {String} phoneField field that contains the phone number
     * @param {String} phone phone number received by the REST API
     * @returns {GlideRecord|boolean}
    _lookupUserByPhone: function (table, phoneField, phone) {
        var contactGr = new GlideRecord(table);
        if (!contactGr.isValid()) return false;
        if (!contactGr.isValidField(phoneField)) return false;
		if(table == 'sys_user')
			contactGr.addQuery('sys_class_name', 'sys_user');
        contactGr.addQuery(phoneField, phone);
        if ( {
            return contactGr;
        this.logDebug('[_lookupUserByPhone] Could not find a user, table: ' + table + ' field: ' + phoneField + ' phone: ' + phone);
        return false;

     * Lookup the sys_user record by email
     * @param {String} agentEmail email of the agent
     * @returns {GlideRecord|boolean}
    _lookupAgentByEmail: function (agentEmail) {
        var userGr = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
        userGr.addQuery('email', agentEmail);
        if ( {
            return userGr;
        this.logDebug('[_lookupAgentByEmail] Could not find a user, agentEmail: ' + agentEmail);
        return false;

     * Validate the request
     * @returns {sn_ws_err.ServiceError|boolean}
    validateRequest: function () {
        try {
            this.bodyData =;
            if (gs.nil(this.bodyData)) {
                this.logWarning('[validateRequest] Body data is missing: ' + this.bodyData);
                this._setError(400, "Body is missing", "Expecting a body with properties.");
                return false;

            for (var i = 0; i < this.MANDATORY_BODY_PROPERTIES.length; i++) {
                var mandatoryProperty = this.MANDATORY_BODY_PROPERTIES[i];

                if (gs.nil(this.bodyData[mandatoryProperty])) {
                    this.logWarning('[validateRequest] Mandatory body property is missing: ' + mandatoryProperty);
                    this._setError(400, "Mandatory body property is missing", "Expecting a body propertiy to be in the body: " + mandatoryProperty);
                    return false;

            // All checkes have passed
            return true;
        } catch (e) {
            this.logErr('[validateRequest] caught an error: ' + e.message + '\nstack: ' + e.stack);

     * Create an interaction record
     * @returns {GlideRecord|boolean}
    _createInteraction: function () {
        var interactionFields = this._getInteractionFields();
        if (this.error !== false) {
            // There was an error during data lookup
            this.logErr('[_createInteraction] There was an error during data lookup');
            return false;
        var interactionGr = new GlideRecord('interaction');

        for (var fieldName in interactionFields) {
            if (, fieldName)) {
                if (interactionGr.isValidField(fieldName)) {
                    var fieldValue = interactionFields[fieldName];
                    interactionGr.setValue(fieldName, fieldValue);
                    // this.logDebug('[_createInteraction] setting interaction field ' + fieldName + ' to: ' + fieldValue);

        var interactionId = interactionGr.insert();
        if (gs.nil(interactionId)) {
            //Failed to insert the record
            this.logErr('[_createInteraction] Failed to create an interaction');
            return false;
        this.logDebug('[_createInteraction] Created an interaction, sys_id: ' + interactionId + ' number: ' + interactionGr.getValue('number'));

        return interactionGr;

     * Construct and set the error object 
     * @param {number} statusCode 
     * @param {String} message 
     * @param {String} details 
    _setError: function (statusCode, message, details) {
        this.errorObj = {
            'statusCode': statusCode,
            'message': message,
            'details': details,
        var serviceError = new sn_ws_err.ServiceError();
        this.error = serviceError;

     * Set the status code, messages and response body based on this.error varialbe
    _setResponse: function () {
        if (this.error !== false) {
            this.logDebug('[_setResponse] set error with code: ' + this.errorObj.statusCode);

        if (this.interactionGr !== false) {
            this.logDebug('[_setResponse] set successful resposne with code: 201, interaction number: ' + this.interactionGr.getValue('number'));
            var responseBody = this._constructResponseBody();

     * Construct the Response body, include required interaction fields
     * @returns {Object}
    _constructResponseBody: function () {
        var responseBody = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < this.INTERACTION_FIELDS_RESPONSE.length; i++) {
            var field = this.INTERACTION_FIELDS_RESPONSE[i];
            responseBody[field] = this.interactionGr.getValue(field);
        for (var j = 0; j < this.INTERACTION_FIELDS_DISPLAY_RESPONSE.length; j++) {
            var fieldDisplay = this.INTERACTION_FIELDS_DISPLAY_RESPONSE[j];
            responseBody[fieldDisplay] = this.interactionGr[fieldDisplay] && this.interactionGr[fieldDisplay].getDisplayValue();
        this.logDebug('[_constructResponseBody] responseBody:\n' + global.JSON.stringify(responseBody));
        return responseBody;

    logDebug: function (msg) {

    logInfo: function (msg) {

    logWarning: function (msg) {

    logErr: function (msg) {

    type: 'AnywhereCTIService'