    1)initialise two arrays in,low and vairable Time = 0;

    2) first mark the node visited

    3)initiliase the low[curr] & in[curr] to Time and increment time by 1

    4)loop over the adjacency list of curr

    5)Most important the following three condition's for child

        -> if Child is equal to parent of curr ---> continue

        -> if Child is visited(this means that this is a back edge)
            --> make the low of curr min of low of curr or min in child
            i.e low[curr] = min(low[curr],in[child])

        -> if Child is not visited(this means that this is a forward edge)
            --> call dfs passing parent as curr node
            --> if,low[child] is greater than in[curr] this is bridge
            i.e. if(low[child]>in[curr])---->this is a bridge

            --> at last,while backtracking change the low of curr to min of curr or min of low of child
            i.e. low[curr] = min(low[curr],low[child])

The main thing here, is that we are storing for each node can it be reached from any other node
    ->if yes then that edge is not a bridge
    ->if no it is a bridge

vector<ll> g[100001];
vector<bool> visi(100001, false);

vector<ll> low(100001), in(100001); // arrrays for keeping the low and in time of node
ll Time = 0;                        // time variable

void detectBridge(ll s, ll par)
    low[s] = in[s] = Time;
    visi[s] = true;

    for (ll child : g[s])
        if (child == par) // if child is equal to parent continue

        else if (visi[child]) // if child is visited and also is not a parent
            // change the low time of curr to min of low of curr or in of child
            low[s] = min(low[s], in[child]);
            // if child is not visited

            detectBridge(child, s); // call dfs further

            // condition for checking the bridge
            if (low[child] > in[s]) // if the low[child] is more than curr this is a brigde
                cout << s << "-->" << child << endl;

            // while backtracking change the low of curr to min of low of curr or low of child
            low[s] = min(low[s], low[child]);