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<html xmlns:MadCap="http://www.madcapsoftware.com/Schemas/MadCap.xsd">
        <h1 class="main-container-header">Financial Integration</h1>
        <p>The financial integration is built out of following 6 requests:</p>
                <p>Retry mechanism – In some cases of error in the response to Credit, CancelBet or EndRound mechanism should send requests until successful response received for the request. Most operators expect the interval between the request to be ever increasing.</p>
                <p>Authenticate – Validating the player before launching the game. After that player opens the game URL in real mode, the vendor should send this request to the EVI API.</p>
                <p>Debit – Committing a wager of the player.</p>
                <p>Credit – Crediting the player from a win in a game.</p>
                <p>EndRound – End game round. Optional. Use only in case you need to close a round. You can use the IsRoundEnd parameter in order to close the round in the Credit requests instead using this method.</p>
                <p>GetBalance – Receive the balance of the player once in a while during the game.</p>
                <p>CancelBet – Cancel a specific bet of the player.</p>
                <p>Notify – Receive information about transaction that is not completed. (888 Only)</p>
                <p>General Error 900 – this is a malfunction of undetermined origin.</p>