DECLARE fecha_migracion TIMESTAMP;
SET fecha_migracion = '2021-06-16 00:52:53.131944 UTC';

create or replace table misc_eu.user_consent as
with first_user_session as (
    us.*, as cu_id,
    row_number() over(partition by order by us.created_at asc) as rank_
FROM `reby-cloud.analytics_reby_v1_eu.pg_user_session` us
LEFT JOIN `reby-cloud.reby_marketing_eu.pg_company_user` cu on us.company_id = cu.company_id and us.user_id = cu.user_id
QUALIFY rank_ = 1

rides as (
        if(vehicle_company_id is null,'c_3qteetfhxjshx4j54111',vehicle_company_id) as vehicle_company_id,
        if(company_id is null,'c_3qteetfhxjshx4j54111',company_id) as company_id
    from analytics_reby_v1_eu.pg_rides_json

first_ride_pre as (
        r.created_at as ride_date,
        r.company_id as app_co_id, as vehicle_company_name, as app_company_name, as cu_id_vehicle, as cu_id_app,
        --row_number() over (partition by r.user_id,r.vehicle_company_id order by r.created_at asc) as rank_
    from rides r
    left join `reby-cloud.analytics_reby_v1_eu.pg_company` co on r.vehicle_company_id =
    left join `reby-cloud.analytics_reby_v1_eu.pg_company` co2 on r.company_id =
    left join `reby-cloud.reby_marketing_eu.pg_company_user` cu on r.user_id = cu.user_id and r.vehicle_company_id = cu.company_id
    left join `reby-cloud.reby_marketing_eu.pg_company_user` cu2 on r.user_id = cu2.user_id and r.company_id = cu2.company_id
    --where = 'cu_3qtjhf229x9t31h4c2n1'
    --order by 2 desc
    --QUALIFY rank_= 1

first_ride_per_app_vehicle as (
select *, row_number() over (partition by user_id, app_company_name, vehicle_company_name order by ride_date asc) as rank_ from first_ride_pre qualify rank_ = 1

join_ride_session as (
    --cu.user_id, as user_id,
    cu.created_at as date_comp_user_created,
    u.created_at as date_user_meta_created,
    fus.created_at as first_session_company,
    up.created_at as user_profile_vehicle_company_created_at,
from first_ride_per_app_vehicle ur
left join `reby-cloud.reby_marketing_eu.pg_company_user` cu on ur.cu_id_vehicle =
left join `reby-cloud.analytics_reby_v1_eu.pg_users_json` u on ur.user_id =
--join `reby-cloud.temp_eu.200_users_aepd` u on u.cu_id = ur.app_co_id
left join first_user_session fus on fus.cu_id = ur.cu_id_vehicle
left join `reby-cloud.analytics_reby_v1_eu.pg_user_profile` up on ur.cu_id_vehicle = up.company_user_id
left join `reby-cloud.analytics_reby_v1_eu.pg_consent` consent on ur.cu_id_vehicle = consent.company_user_id

        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name = 'Reby' then 'no consent necessary'
        --when vehicle_company_name = app_company_name  and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company < fecha_migraciĆ³n then cast(first_session_company as string)
        --when vehicle_company_name = app_company_name and vehicle_company_name = 'Reby' and first_session_company is null then cast(date_user_meta_created as string)

        when app_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company < fecha_migracion then cast(first_session_company as string)
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is null and ride_date < fecha_migracion then cast(ride_date as string)
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company < ride_date and first_session_company < fecha_migracion then cast(first_session_company as string)
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company >= ride_date and ride_date < fecha_migracion then cast(ride_date as string)

        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is null then cast(date_comp_user_created as string)
        #when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and ride_date > fecha_migracion then cast(ride_date as string)
        when vehicle_company_name = app_company_name  and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company > fecha_migracion then 'consentimiento no necesaria'
        when app_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company >= fecha_migracion then 'consentimiento no necesaria' 
        when app_company_name != 'Reby' and consent_from_reby is true and ride_date is not null then cast(ride_date as string)
        #when app_company_name = 'Reby' and consent_from_reby is true and user_profile_vehicle_company_created_at > date_comp_user_created then cast(user_profile_vehicle_company_created_at as string)
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and ride_date > fecha_migracion then cast(ride_date as string)
        else 'consentimiento no necesario'
    end as migration_consent,
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name = 'Reby' then 'Caso0 - Aplicacion y CompaƱia son las mismas'

        when app_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company < fecha_migracion then 'Caso1 - Consentimiento desde app company pre-migracion'
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is null and ride_date < fecha_migracion then 'Caso2 - Consentimiento desde app Reby pre-migracion'
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company < ride_date and first_session_company < fecha_migracion then 'Caso3 - Consentimiento desde app company pre-migracion'
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company >= ride_date and ride_date < fecha_migracion then 'Caso4 - Consentimiento desde app Reby pre-migracion'

        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is null then 'Caso5 - Consentimiento desde app Reby post-migracion'
        #when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and ride_date > fecha_migracion then cast(ride_date as string)
        when vehicle_company_name = app_company_name  and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company > fecha_migracion then 'Caso6 - consentimiento no necesaria'
        when app_company_name != 'Reby' and first_session_company is not null and first_session_company >= fecha_migracion then 'Caso7 - consentimiento no necesaria' 
        when app_company_name != 'Reby' and consent_from_reby is true and ride_date is not null then 'Caso8 - Consentimiento desde app Reby post-migracion'
        #when app_company_name = 'Reby' and consent_from_reby is true and user_profile_vehicle_company_created_at > date_comp_user_created then cast(user_profile_vehicle_company_created_at as string)
        when app_company_name = 'Reby' and vehicle_company_name != 'Reby' and ride_date > fecha_migracion then 'Caso9 - Consentimiento desde app Reby post-migracion'

        else 'Caso10 - Otros'
    end as caso
from join_ride_session jrs