#Pull the Docker image from the public Docker registry:
docker pull docker.elastic.co/package-registry/distribution:8.1.1
#Save the Docker image locally:
docker save -o package-registry-8.1.1.tar docker.elastic.co/package-registry/distribution:8.1.1
#Check the image size to ensure that you have enough disk space.
#Transfer the image to the air-gapped environment and load it:
docker load -i package-registry-8.1.1.tar
#Run the Elastic Package Registry:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 docker.elastic.co/package-registry/distribution:8.1.1
#Optional) You can monitor the health of your Elastic Package Registry with requests to the root path:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 \
    --health-cmd "curl -f -L" \
#Connect Kibana to your hosted Elastic Package Registryedit
#Use the xpack.fleet.registryUrl property in the Kibana config to set the URL of your hosted package registry. For example:
xpack.fleet.registryUrl: "http://package-registry.corp.net:8080"