#include <iostream> using namespace std; //Creating Node Structure struct Node{ int data; Node *link; }; //creating head pointer and equating to NULL Node *head=NULL; //Function to Display middle element void showMid() { Node *slow=head; Node *fast=head; if(head==NULL) cout<<"List is Empty"; else { while(fast!=NULL && fast->link!=NULL) { slow=slow->link; fast=fast->link->link; } cout<<"Middle element is:"<<slow->data; } } //Function to insert at the end of linked list void insertEnd (int d) { Node *ptr = new Node(); ptr->data=d; ptr->link=NULL; if(head==NULL) head=ptr; else { Node *temp = head; while(temp->link != NULL) { temp=temp->link; } temp->link=ptr; } } //Main Function int main() { insertEnd(2); insertEnd(9); insertEnd(1); insertEnd(3); insertEnd(7); showMid(); return 0; }