{% if template.name == "index" %} 

  {% comment %} Leave url_to_remove as 0 to remove all apps, or set to a number to remove a specific app. {% endcomment %}
  {% assign url_to_remove = 0 %}
  {% assign lines = content_for_header | newline_to_br | split: '<br />' %}
  {% for line in lines %}
    {% if line contains 'var urls' %}
      {% if url_to_remove == 0 %}
        {% comment %}Remove all apps{% endcomment %}
        {% capture new_line %}
        {% endcapture %}
        {% assign empty_array = new_line | append: "var urls = [];" %}
        {% assign content_for_header = content_for_header | replace: line, empty_array %}
        <!-- Removed all apps. -->
      {% else %}
        {% assign url_string = line | remove: "var urls = [" | remove: "];" | strip %}
        {% assign url_array = url_string | split: ',' | uniq %}
        {% comment %}Just remove app at index 'url_to_remove' {% endcomment %}
          {% for url in url_array %}
            {% if forloop.index == url_to_remove %}
              {% assign content_for_header = content_for_header | replace: url, '""' %}
              <!-- Removed app no. {{ url_to_remove }} of {{ url_array.size }}: {{ url }} -->
        {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
  {{ content_for_header }}