// change the string to number
const strnum = "10";
// change number to string
var b = 20;

// convert decimal to a whole numbe
var integer = 89.7920;
// you can choose a number postion which you can rounded off
var integer = 89.7920;

// string inside the double string, use backslash 
var doubleString = "this stirng \"inside\"the double string"
doubleString = this stirng "inside"the double string

// length of the string including spaces
var myFirstString = "This is my first string"

// finding the specific number postion of a letter or word, number start from 0
var myFirstString = "This is my first string"
// use this lastIndexOf if there are same word in a string like "This" and "is", only if you want the last index else, use indexOf()
var myFirstString = "This is my first string"

// get the specifc word just put the first and last index of the word inside the ()
var myFirstString = "This is my first string"
console.log(myFirstString.slice(0, 5)) = This
var myFirstString = "This is my first string"
console.log(myFirstString.slice(10, 23)) = first string

// extract a string from a string, number start from 0 
var myFirstString = "This is my first string"
console.log(myFirstString.substring(0, 7)) = this is