import os

MENU = {
    "espresso": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 50,
            "coffee": 18,
        "cost": 1.5,
    "latte": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 200,
            "milk": 150,
            "coffee": 24,
        "cost": 2.5,
    "cappuccino": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 250,
            "milk": 100,
            "coffee": 24,
        "cost": 3.0,

resources = {
    "water": 300,
    "milk": 200,
    "coffee": 100,
    "money": 0

current_resources = resources

# TODO: 1 Print report

def report(item):

    print(f"* Water : {item['water']}ml")
    if "milk" in item:
        print(f"* Milk : {item['milk']}ml")
    print(f"* Coffee : {item['coffee']}g")
    if "money" in item:
        print(f"* Money : ${item['money']:.2f}")

# TODO: 3 Resources check

def sufficient_resources(item):

    water = False
    milk = False
    coffee = False
    if resources["water"] >= item["ingredients"]["water"]:
        water = True
        print("Sorry, there's not enough water")

    if resources["coffee"] >= item["ingredients"]["coffee"]:
        coffee = True
        print("Sorry, there's not enough coffee")
    if "milk" in item["ingredients"]:
        if resources["milk"] >= item["ingredients"]["milk"]:
            milk = True
            print("Sorry, there's not enough milk")
        milk = True

    return water and milk and coffee

# TODO: 4 Process payment
def process_coins(item):
    cost = item["cost"]
    amount = cost
    result = False

    print(f"Please insert coins to the value of ${cost:.2f}.")
    quarters = int(input("  How many quarters?: "))
    amount -= (quarters * 0.25)
    if amount > 0:
        dimes = int(input("  How many dimes?: "))
        amount -= (dimes * 0.1)
        if amount > 0:
            nickels = int(input("  How many nickels?: "))
            amount -= (nickels * 0.05)
            if amount > 0:
                pennies = int(input("  How many pennies?: "))
                amount -= (pennies * 0.1)
    if amount > 0:
        print(f"Sorry, that's not enough money. Your ${amount:.2f} has been refunded.")
        return False
    elif amount < 0:
        print(f"Here is ${abs(amount):.2f} in change.")
        return True
        return True

def update_resources(item):

    water = resources["water"] - item["ingredients"]["water"]
    coffee = resources["coffee"] - item["ingredients"]["coffee"]
    if "milk" in item["ingredients"]:
        milk = resources["milk"] - item["ingredients"]["milk"]
        milk = resources["milk"]
    money = resources["money"] + item["cost"]
    updated_resources = {
        "water": water,
        "milk": milk,
        "coffee": coffee,
        "money": money,
    return updated_resources

clear = lambda: os.system("cls")

# Main program flow ===========================================================

machine_on = True
choices = ["report", "off", "espresso", "latte", "cappuccino"]
drink = ""

# TODO: 2 User prompt

while machine_on:
    # clear()
    prompt = ""
    while prompt not in choices:
        prompt = input("  What would you like? (espresso/latte/cappuccino): ").lower()
        if prompt == "off":
            machine_on = False
        elif prompt == "report":
        elif prompt in choices:
            drink = MENU[prompt]

    if type(drink) != str and prompt != "report":
        if not sufficient_resources(drink):
            if process_coins(drink):
                resources = update_resources(drink)
                # print(resources)
                print(f"Here is your {prompt}. Enjoy!☕")