class Solution:
    def groupAnagrams(self, strs: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
        def Remove(lst): #to remove repeats at end 
            return ([list(i) for i in {*[tuple(sorted(i)) for i in lst]}]) 
        result = []
        for i in range(0, len(strs)): 
            anagram_subset = [strs[i]]
            sorted_string = sorted(strs[i]) 
            for d in range(0, len(strs)):
            #to avoid repeat 
            #maybe change to start, end pointers to avoid making duplicate in first place? 
                if d == i: 
                if sorted(strs[d]) == sorted_string: 
            anagram_subset = [] 
        return Remove(result) 

#Big O is n * n * n log N lol 

#more efficient solution 

	def groupAnagrams(self, strs: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
          res = defaultdict(list) #map charCount to list of anagrams 

          for s in strs: 
            count = [0] * 26 # a ... z 

            for c in s: 
              count[ord(c) - ord("a")] += 1 #mapping to ASCII and then adding 1 so that a = 1, b = 2, etc. 


          return res.values()

        #big O(m * n * 26) which is just (m * n)