<h2>Technical data</h2>
<p><em>|| Use https://www.tablesgenerator.com/html_tables# ||</em></p>

<p>Standard colours: _COLOUR1_, _COLOUR2_.</p>

<p><em>||On brand website, locate the link to view custom colours of the product, copy that link and paste it in the code below||</em></p>
<p>Custom colours: <a href="URL_TO_CUSTOM_COLOUR_SECTION_OF_SPECIFIC_MODEL" title="Custom colours" target="_blank">Choose your colours</a> and email us the colour reference with your order. Include a screenshot if you can. Full payment required upfront to confirm your order after which it cannot be cancelled.</p>



<p>Standard: _RISER1.</p>
<p>Optional: _RISER2_, _RISER3_, _RISER4_,'Semlight C Handle' R07 (3+1)</p>
<!-- PHI TEXT -->
<p>You are free to customize and choose another riser free of charge but this will delay your order by 3-7 days. If saving every gram is your top priority, you may choose a lighter riser. This reduces the weight on the tech data list but compromises usability and increases speed system pressure.</p>
<p>See <a href="https://phi-air.com/project/risers/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Phi risers</a></p>

<!-- GIN riser text -->
<p>TBC. Ask Boris to update the text in this template when known</p>

<!-- AirDesign riser text -->
<p>TBC. Ask Boris to update the text in this template when known</p>

<h2>Flybubble review</h2>
<p>— _FIRSTNAME_ _SURNAME_, Flybubble</p>
<p>Watch the Flybubble review:</p>
<p>_EMBED_VIDEO_HERE_USING_FKB: https://bit.ly/3GQaywh </p>

<h2>Other reviews</h2>
<p>— _FIRSTNAME_ _SURNAME_, _COMPANY_ (<a title="_LINK_TITLE_" href="_URL_" target="_blank" rel="noopener">full review</a>)</p>