Scenario: User Renames a Playlist
Given I right click on the element "// section[@id='playlists']/ul[1]/li[3]"
And I click the the option " //li[contains(@data-testid, 'playlist-context-menu-edit')]"
And I clear the inputfield
And I set "a" to the inputfield "// input[@data-testid='inline-playlist-name-input']"
And I press "enter"
Then I expect that the element " //div[@class='success show']" is displayed

Scenario: User Deletes a Playlist
Given I click on the element "// section[@id='playlists']/ul[1]/li[3]"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I click on the button " //button[@class='del btn-delete-playlist']"
Then I expect that the element " //div[@class='success show']" is displayed