indicator("My script", overlay=true, max_lines_count=500)
h = input.int(9, "Hour", minval=0, maxval=59)
m = input.int(30, "Hour", minval=0, maxval=59)

var float first_high = na
var bool can_draw = false
var line l = na

is_new_session = (hour == h) and (minute == m)
bgcolor(is_new_session ? color.new(color.green, 85) : na)

if (is_new_session)     // New session
    first_high := high  // Reset session high
    can_draw := true    // We are allowed to draw a line
    l := line.new(bar_index, first_high, bar_index, first_high, color=color.red)    // Get new line id
    if (can_draw)
        if (high > first_high)  // New high is made
            can_draw := false   // Stop drawing
            line.set_x2(l, bar_index)   // Update x2 position of the line (move it to the right)