; Demo the function:
AnimPicFile := A_ScriptDir "\watch your step.gif" ; replace with full path to your gif
Gui, +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Text, vTextCont, Will hide gif in 3 seconds
AGif := AddAnimatedGIF(AnimPicFile)
Gui, Show
Sleep, 3000
GuiControl,, TextCont, Hidden for 3 seconds
GuiControl, Hide, %AGif%
Gui, Show
Sleep, 3000
GuiControl,, TextCont, It's back
GuiControl, Show, %AGif%
Gui, Show

; ****  AddAnimatedGIF function by boiler  ****
; imagefullpath: must be the full path to the animated GIF image file
; x, y: optional strings containing position info that would normally follow x and y options, such as 10, "p+3", "m"
; w, h: optional width and height values that would normally follow w and h options; blank for full size image
; guiname:  optional name of the gui to add the image to if not the main one
; function returns the name of the control that was added so that you can modify it (move, hide) with GuiControl
; can add up to animated GIF images.  to increase the limit, add AG11,AG12,... to the global statement
AddAnimatedGIF(imagefullpath , x="", y="", w="", h="", guiname = "1")
	global AG1,AG2,AG3,AG4,AG5,AG6,AG7,AG8,AG9,AG10
	static AGcount:=0, pic
	html := "<html><body style='background-color: transparent' style='overflow:hidden' leftmargin='0' topmargin='0'><img src='" imagefullpath "' width=" w " height=" h " border=0 padding=0></body></html>"
	Gui, AnimGifxx:Add, Picture, vpic, %imagefullpath%
	GuiControlGet, pic, AnimGifxx:Pos
	Gui, AnimGifxx:Destroy
	Gui, %guiname%:Add, ActiveX, % (x = "" ? " " : " x" x ) . (y = "" ? " " : " y" y ) . (w = "" ? " w" picW : " w" w ) . (h = "" ? " h" picH : " h" h ) " vAG" AGcount, Shell.Explorer
	return "AG" AGcount
