import io

# Export to CSV/Excel file
# Prep file to be saved
data_buffer = io.BytesIO()                                      # "placeholder" to hold data to be added to Excel sheet
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(data_buffer, engine="xlsxwriter")       # # write as Excel file
workbook =                                          # "create" empty Excel file
worksheet_summary = workbook.add_worksheet("Case " + str(case_n) + " Summary")   # write worksheet tab for "each" case
bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True})                      # # Enable bold formatting
row = 0                                                         # start at top of Excel file

# Can turn this into a function instead
# Creating Table 1
worksheet_summary.write(row, 0, "Table 1", bold)      			# Table 1 title, bold format
form_start_row = row + 1                                        # go to next row for data
col = 0                                                         # start at leftmost
for each in st.session_state[summary_sess_state]:               # go through each data in form. table
	worksheet_summary.write(form_start_row, col, each)          # write out the header row
    row = form_start_row + 1                                    # go to next row
    for item in range(0, len(st.session_state[summary_sess_state])):  # get each "sub-data" inside the dataframe after the header row
		try: worksheet_summary.write(row, col, st.session_state[summary_sess_state][each][item])    # write the "sub-data" in their respective locations
		except: pass
        row += 1            # go to next row
    col += 1        # go to next col
row += 2                                                        # next 2 rows for next table
# Creating Table 2
worksheet_summary.write(row, 0, "Table 1", bold)        		# Table 2 title, bold format
comp_start_row = row + 1                                        # go to next row for data
col = 0                                                         # start at leftmost
for each in summary_table_component_results:                    # go through each data in comp. table
	worksheet_summary.write(comp_start_row, col, each)          # write out the header row
	row = comp_start_row + 1                                    # go to next row
    for item in range(0, len(summary_table_component_results)): # get each "sub-data" inside the dataframe after the header row
    	worksheet_summary.write(row, col, summary_table_component_results[each][item])
        row += 1
    col += 1
row +=1