# open virtual environment
python3 -m venv "${HOME}/meltingpot_venv"
source "${HOME}/meltingpot_venv/bin/activate"

# Clone respository content 
git clone https://github.com/deepmind/meltingpot

# Open the install-{XX} files 
vim install-dmlab2d.sh
# and adjust 'python' to 'python3', then save and exit

# install dmlab
sh install-dmlab2d.sh

# build wheel
cd lab2d
bazel build --config=lua5_2 --verbose_failures //dmlab2d:dmlab2d_wheel

# test run
bazel run -c opt --config=lua5_2 --verbose_failures dmlab2d/random_agent -- --level_name=clean_up

# go back to enclosing folder and install meltingpot
cd ..
sh install-meltingpot.sh

# test it
pytest meltingpot

# From the docs:
# NOTE: If you get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'meltingpot.python' error, you can solve it by exporting the meltingpot home directory as PYTHONPATH (e.g. by calling export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd))

### This was also helpful: https://github.com/deepmind/lab2d/issues/19 for issues with conda 

### Virtual Environment Stored in (base);
numpy==1.23.1 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74893742/how-to-solve-attributeerror-module-numpy-has-no-attribute-bool