import java.util.*;
public class Main {
	public static int solution(int[] arr) {
	//make a prefix sum array and store ps,index in hashmap
	HashMap<Integer,Integer> fmap = new HashMap<>();
	int sum =0 ;
	fmap.put(0, -1);   //adding 0 PS on -1 index
//while making PS if any PS repeats find the length of that sub array,do not add the sum and index if PS repeats as we have to find the largest length and adding PS again will update the index to a closer index
	int max = 0;
	for(int i =0 ; i < arr.length ; i++){
	    sum += arr[i];
	        int length = i - fmap.get(sum);
	        if(length > max) 
	        max = length;
		return max;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
		int[] arr = new int[scn.nextInt()];
		for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
			arr[i] = scn.nextInt();