class Solution {
    public int numRabbits(int[] answers) {
        //make a HM to store <answers of rabits , actual rabits>
        HashMap<Integer,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        int ans = 0;
        for(int val : answers){
//if that answer already exists, might mean that rabbit belongs to same colour

//if already that color of rabbits is 0 and still the answer is same means there might be same no. of rabits of different color , so we remove the old color store the answer and add the new color group 
                if(map.get(val) == 0){
                    ans += val+1;
                    map.put(val , val);

//if answer already exists and there is frequency left,means that rabbit also belong to that same colour and he will take one spot and decrement frequency
                    map.put(val , map.get(val)-1);
//if answer doesn't already exists means its a new color of rabit
                map.put(val , val);

//now add all (keys + 1) values in the answer as while mapping the colour to frequency we already take into account the spot of the rabbit which is giving the answer 
        for(int val : map.keySet())
        ans += val+1;

        return ans;