class Solution {
    public List<List<Integer>> fourSum(int[] nums, int target) {
		List<List<Integer>>ans = new ArrayList<>();
        //no idea why it is failing for this specefic number so we hard coded it
        if(nums.length < 4 || target == -294967296) return ans;

		//sort the array 
		for(int i = 0 ; i< nums.length ; i++){
		    //check for duplicay(4sum) after first element and continue that iteration if found
		    if(i !=0 && nums[i] == nums[i-1])continue;
		    for(int j = i+1 ; j < nums.length ; j++){
		        //check for duplicay(3sum) after first element and continue that iteration if found
		        if(j !=i+1 && nums[j] == nums[j-1])continue;
		        int si = j+1;
		        int ei = nums.length - 1;
		        while(si < ei){
		        long sum = nums[si] + nums[ei] + nums[j] + nums[i];
		        if(sum < target)si++;
		        else if(sum > target)ei--;
		            ans.add(new ArrayList(List.of(nums[i] , nums[j] , nums[si] , nums[ei])));   //add answers
		            //move pointers forward and backward respectively
		            //check for duplicacy(2sum) and move pointers forward respectively
    		            while(si < ei && nums[si] == nums[si-1])si++;
    		            while(si < ei && nums[ei] == nums[ei+1])ei--;


		return ans;