$ # this script uses the torchmetrics library to calculate accuracy
$ pip install torchmetrics
$ python3 eval-resnet.py 77709
2023-02-03 16:58:32,745 - INFO - Starting...
2023-02-03 16:58:33,669 - INFO - Created the client
2023-02-03 16:58:33,669 - INFO - Fetching task 77709...
2023-02-03 16:58:33,887 - INFO - Task 77709 is not yet cached or the cache is corrupted
2023-02-03 16:58:33,889 - INFO - Downloading data metadata...
2023-02-03 16:58:34,107 - INFO - Downloaded data metadata
2023-02-03 16:58:34,108 - INFO - Downloading chunks...
2023-02-03 16:58:34,109 - INFO - Downloading chunk #0...
2023-02-03 16:58:34,873 - INFO - All chunks downloaded
2023-02-03 16:58:34,873 - INFO - Downloading annotations...
2023-02-03 16:58:35,166 - INFO - Downloaded annotations
2023-02-03 16:58:35,362 - INFO - Created the testing dataset
2023-02-03 16:58:35,362 - INFO - Created data loader
2023-02-03 16:58:35,749 - INFO - Started evaluation
2023-02-03 16:58:36,355 - INFO - Finished evaluation
Accuracy of the network: 80.00%